Thursday, December 8, 2011
Reason for the Delay...
1. Got engaged. Readers whoever you are know this because you read my last post. I've been in a state of bliss since.
2. Started a new internship. And really loving it. Haven't looked at the clock once since I've been working there (honeymoon period... I know... but it's actually very stimulating). They couldn't have found someone to help them out who is better fit for the position than I am... that's just a fact.
3. I've actually had plans almost every night after work and on the weekends catching up with friends/family since I've been back... which is odd for me as I have been used to being idle living in a foreign country with people speaking crazy languages around me.
4. I really haven't cooked that much.
The last reason is just crazy... but I really haven't cooked that much since I've been home. I enjoy hanging out and letting other people cook for me occasionally and it's been one of those stretches.
But just wait... a new blog post will surely happen after these next few days... I'm dog-sitting for a GORILLA-SIZED dog that belongs to my boss... it'll be fun and there will definitely be something to write about.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Engagement Post
I recently became engaged. And very fitting for me (and this blog), the engagement ceremonies included a post-decision smorgasbord of breakfast at Lou's in Hanover, New Hampshire. I do not know why anyone reading would end up in Hanover, New Hampshire, but if you do, go to Lou's. It just makes you feel good. It's a classic diner in all the sense... waitresses ripping cigarettes between orders, coffee burnt to hell and served by the gallon, the bar filled with cops and workers escaping the cold for a cup of burnt Joe, and most importantly, good old-fashioned oily buttery breakfast food. And when I was thinking about HOW to pop the question to the old lady, all of my ideas included breakfast, and strangely, diners. I ended up including New Hampshire Lou's as the final choice, but there was one other option.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
You Can't Spell "Wait-Service" Without the "Wait"
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Breaking it Down in H&M
Monday, November 14, 2011
Keeping the Goulash: A Tradition
Since today is a traditional day (It's my birthday), I feel like posting something relating to tradition... here's what I wrote on the plane home from Prague yesterday:
As I sit on the airplane writing this, my stomach still is in intestinal arrest. I'm pretty sure that it isn't angry at me, it is just a little tired from this last weekend in Prague, Czech Republic. I took this trip to Prague because of the European Baseball Coaches Association Convention. I'm all for professional development, and the convention was fantastic, but no coaches' speech was as good as the Czech food and beer I experienced each night. Let me tell you about it.
For those who don't know, Czech food is extremely dense and heavy... and each menu item is literally labeled in grams so you know exactly how much food you're receiving when you order. Typically, each Czech dish is an assortment of some cut of pork (or multiple cuts of pork... sometimes duck or goose), a few dumplings (usually made of potato or bread), sauerkraut, onions, and a rich dark sauce made from the remnants of all the cooked meat. And typically, you eat all of this with a few 0.5 liter dark or light-colored Czech beers, many times made in house or just down the street. There is not much variety between Czech restaurants, and the subtle differences between different breweries' beers make you want to walk all around the city trying to find the best one (side note: impossible to do). Yet, for some reason, when I was in Prague this weekend, I saw tourists filling up Italian restaurants and TGI Friday's every night. I'd like to give some of them the benefit of the doubt in that maybe after one entire week in Prague, tourists might want a little change from the traditional fare (not me... but I can understand... or at least make that observation). This brings me to my thesis for this post: When you're in a city that is known for a specific local cuisine that has been rooted in its culinary history for years, you need to eat that food often. And secondly, I really hope that these cuisines always stay to their traditional roots despite the fact that almost all culinary needs can be met in any country with the technology available currently.
Let's talk about eating locally, and moreover, choosing restaurant-specific menu items. First, if you are traveling in Miami, you better be eating Cuban food and fish... and then going to the beach and losing your mind in a ridiculous salsa dance. There's a reason Will Smith got so excited about Miami latin culture that he felt it necessary to include a salty lyric in one of his songs (“Welcome to Miami... Bienvenidos a Miami”... and Will Smith was/is the man while we're at it). Moving on, if you're in Memphis, you better be eating ribs and other barbecue, and then following that up with some whiskey shots and open mic performances. If you're in New England, go to Maine and eat a lobster roll, get off your butt and eat some pancakes with Vermont maple syrup, then head to Rhode Island and slurp up some chowder (clear broth or cream... who really cares it's all good). If you're in France, eat the cheese, drink the wine, yell at some people/be generally annoyed, and indulge on some beefy cuts of steak. If you're in Prague, find a good bowl of Goulash and drink a few beers in a crowded and rambunctious beer cave. IT'S JUST WHAT YOU DO. And if you don't do this, then why are you going all of these places? For the hotel WiFi? I didn't think so... and if you are going for the hotel WiFi, you either need to quit your job or see a mental health professional.
Going further, the same cuisine/environment specific approach needs to be taken when you're staying in your home town eating out at a local restaurant. My biggest pet peeve is when I invite someone to go to my favorite barbecue place (still up for debate between institutions in Key Largo, Charlotte, Portland OR, Washington DC, and Boston) and they order a burger or a Caesar salad. When ill-advised decisions like these are made in my presence, I literally feel like jumping across the table and pouring barbecue sauce on my guest(s)' head to remind them that they are in a barbecue establishment. What's worse, is when I'm enjoying my pulled pork sandwich and hush puppies and I get a remark about how my guest doesn't think the food is that impressive. OF COURSE IT'S NOT... YOU'RE EATING A SALAD AT A PLACE WHERE AN ENTIRE PIG IS ROASTING OVER AN OPEN FIRE WITH A SPIKE THROUGH ITS MOUTH... I DON'T THINK REX, WHOSE BEEN ROASTING PIGS SINCE THE EARLY 60's, IS THE SALAD TOSSING TYPE... NOT REALLY THE PLACE YOU ORDER A NICE BOWL OF GREENS, NANCY (Reference: Nancy is a name I use in general for people who I feel are missing the point in something... or just being unintelligent in general). You get my point, and if you don't, it's simple. Go to places that are known for something and stay in the realm of their specialty. And if you don't have that knowledge, just ask the server what you should get and they'll usually point you in the right direction.
Transitioning to my second mini-thesis (also can be referred to as a HYPOthesis), I am very scared that with all of the incredible advances in culinary technology, local cuisines will stray from their roots. It's a very controversial concept for me – this advancement in culinary popularity and technology. On the one hand, both home cooks and restauranteurs have an incredible wealth of resources available to them: the internet, the food network, ingredients from afar, artisan cookware, straight from the source meat, etc. On the other hand, people living close to the coast are no longer required to base their diet on fish, and people from Idaho can eat more than potatoes. My greatest fear is that my joy of regional eating will vanish because everyone everywhere will be cooking a new blended cuisine with no real identity. One positive of this situation is that the quality of food preparation in general will continue to rise without a doubt. The wealth of knowledge, resources, and general interest in cooking these days is steadily climbing (I didn't look up any statistics to prove that, but I'm pretty sure of it). But I want to make an argument for the little guys... for the Alsatian grandmother who whips up an outrageous Choucroute Garnie... for the Hawaii dad grilling some pineapple pork and macaroni salad... for anyone who actually cooks Naan in that big stone heat bowl... because I know that these guys make it better than anyone can in Iowa or Istanbul.
I'll leave you with a simple statement: Eat something Italian in Italy, ask your server what's good at your local Italian joint, and don't even think you can tell me that someone in your hometown can make better Cannelloni than someone from the Big Boot. Let's let the Italians keep doing that... because they're better than you.*
*DISCLAIMER – I'm not saying you shouldn't cook because you suck... I'm just saying you should respect those who can Party Rock Anthem Shuffle around you in the kitchen.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Mon Vieil Ami: Just Killing Dreams with Bad Sides
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Over-Herbed and Nestle Extremed
So what's great about this blog is that it's real. None of this “my perfectly seared steak was delicious but a little lacking on the ratio of herbs-to-butter in the basil-butter topping” bullshit. I'll leave those comments to the people who think people reading actually give a shit about their acute observations and experiences with basil on a sirloin. Attention pretentious bloggers: no one had the steak that you are writing about, and therefore, no one gives a shit if the restaurant over-herbed your piece of meat. My opinion? You should have “over-herbed” yourself a little bit before you went to the steak house so that you enjoyed your steak no matter how much basil was delicately melted into that compound butter.
Tonight's post is as real as it gets in a city with unreal food. I successfully moved for the second time in 2 days today to my final resting place for the duration of Year 1 in Paris (not to worry... Year 2 will be here soon). In celebration of this momentous occasion (not really, a friend just wanted an excuse for me to come over and crush some charcuterie and wine), I went to my friend's place to have a low-key evening with some good food and booze. In preparation for this evening, I sparsely ate during the day, munching on a fresh tomato and mozzarella salad with balsamic vinegar and then a demi-baguette with butter. In return, my day of sparse eating turned my night of casual drinking into an unexpected late night walk home of inebriation. And in comes the Nestle Extreme...
I was walking down the street after hopping off the subway and I felt a real impulse for an ice cream cone. This surprised me because I'm not usually an ice cream craving kind of guy. When I get cravings, they are more of the Casey's Place cheeseburger (holler Vero Beach) or Gray's Papaya hot dog variety (not really for Gray's Papaya... I just want to see if anyone from NYC comments because of that). Nonetheless, this time, I was craving some ice cream. I was only about 2 blocks from home and it was around 1 a.m. so I was a little worried about the accessibility of ice cream at this hour. And I wasn't about to walk any further to satisfy my craving. Sure enough, I saw an open-air storefront lit up with a GIGANTIC ice cream cooler out front. I deliberated for all of about 5 seconds, and picked out the ice cream like I often pick out wines – by the label. The Nestle Extreme proved to be the winner last night and it lived up to the hype of its name. I was EXTREME-ly satisfied.
My craving for an ice cream cone last night made me think of something that I often take for granted. The beauty of living in a huge city is that you can literally find whatever you want around the corner at any time of day or night. I've gotten used to doing things based on impulse, and being able to satisfy those impulses easily at a moments notice. In Paris in particular, if I have the urge to shred up a recently rotisseried chicken for a fresh chicken salad sandwich, I can find a whole bird on a stick no more than a 5 minute walk in ANY direction. If I want a normal macaron, or even an over-sized macaron, I can find both of those things in the same store... and that store probably also sells rotisserie chickens next door. If I want a filet of cod that was recently enjoying itself in the local icy waters, I can find one before news of its death has reached its extended fish family. OK, time to go buy a baguette downstairs... chances are, it came out of the oven about 10 minutes ago.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My Cambodian Roomate and the Pontoise-Lemoine Oasis
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Best Crepe in Paris
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Cooking and Movie Scores
If you're still confused about what I'm talking about, listen to the score in the background of this trailer. Ignore the trailer, listen to the music (except for One Republic at the end... don't listen to that). LISTEN TO THE SCORE... especially starting at 44seconds when it hits really hard... I get chills.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Beer and Spicy Peppers... Not Always a Great Combo
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Throwing Chorizo in Some Dude's Pasta Bowl
Friday, October 21, 2011
Only Good Cooks Can Make Eggs
Sauces... A few you should know
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Exactly 2.5 Hours of Jacques Pepin
This guy is a beast. He cooks like I do, like only someone can who gets excited to beat an egg. He beats the shit out of the egg too. And then he pours it in the pan, shakes the pan like a maniac, carefully observing the edges of the cooking egg, and 45 seconds later produces an amazing omelette with no added color from improper cooking. Newsflash: If your omelettes have brown on them, the cook (or you) screwed it up.
Watching this guy cook at the age of 75 really proves to me that cooking is something that never gets old. People think it's so simple, and so mindless. But how could Jacques PEPIN grow up in a kitchen (his parents owned a restaurant), cook his whole life, master the art of cooking like few others, and continue to enjoy it well into his age of supposed retirement? Because cooking isn't simple, and it's not mindless. People who think that are lost to the craft of food preparation. To me, it's obvious that most people don't really "get" cooking. I'm just glad that I do... but I'm not glad that watching 75 year old men on my computer keeps me up until almost 3 in the morning.